What's Inside PipelineMT?
You can register for classes, pay fees, check your email, keep a calendar and access your personal data. Login and choose the RaiderNet tab for registration, fee payment, and other personal data services. Look for these icons for email and calendar functions:
D2L online course resources are available on the My Courses page!
Important Message
STUDENT PRINTING UPDATE: The print management vendor has been unable to stabilize the student printing system this semester. To keep from inconveniencing students any further, labs will be reverted back to the previous direct print method while the vendor troubleshoots the issues. Even though you could see pricing on the release stations, your print allocation was not charged. We apologize for the problems this has caused but appreciate your patience as we work through these issues with our vendor.
PipelineMT Security
Even though a padlock or https: will not appear,
PipelineMT is completely
secure. Read more about security... Information Technology